WE ARE AFRO SOUNDS. Faded by Alan walker mp3/mp4 download.

Faded” is a song by British-Norwegian record producer and DJ with vocals provided by Norwegian singer Alen walker Iselin Solheim. The single was originally set to be released on 25 November 2015, but was postponed to 3 December. The song was highly successful, peaking in the top 10 in most of the countries it charted in, and reached the top spot in more than 10 countries. As of April 2022, it is the 21st most viewed video on YouTube and also the 14th most viewed music video, with over 3.2 billion views, making it the first EDM track to hit that milestone.[1] “Faded” is also the 48th most streamed song. as of April 2022, with over 1.5 billion streams.
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